The team of the ATMO Hub at KIT

The ATMO Hub at KIT is mainly designed by the team of the WG IMK Data Management. The team of the IMK Data Management WG consists of representatives of the four Institutes of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMKAAF, IMKASF, IMKIFU, IMKTRO), as well as representatives of the Computer Center (SCC) and the Library (BIB). The WG IMK Data Management is the central contact for questions concerning data and services of the IMKs, both inside and outside KIT. The team of the AG IMK Datenmanagement can be reached by mail.

Portrait Title Name Function Phone E-Mail
Dr. IMKASF; Coordination data management IMK sabine barthlott does-not-exist.kit edu
    IMKAAF nicole buettner does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. IMKASF; SG DataHub; Speaker ATMOHub KIT jan cermak does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. IMKAAF romy foesig does-not-exist.kit edu
  Dr. IMKASF kerzenmacher does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. IMKTRO peter knippertz does-not-exist.kit edu
  Dr. IMKTRO katharina loewe does-not-exist.kit edu
  IMKIFU christof lorenz does-not-exist.kit edu
M.Sc. Computer Science   benjamin louisot does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. SCC joerg meyer2 does-not-exist.kit edu
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) IMKIFU frank neidl does-not-exist.kit edu
  IMKIFU arvin rastegar does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. IMKTRO corinna rebmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Marc Rische
  IMKASF marc rische does-not-exist.kit edu
  Dr. IMKASF roland ruhnke does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. SCC rainer stotzka does-not-exist.kit edu
    KIT Library (BIB) robert ulrich does-not-exist.kit edu